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A Routine Fishing Trip Turns Nightmarish

On November 17, 2012, Salvadoran fisherman José Salvador Alvarenga set out from Mexico’s coast for what he thought would be a quick fishing trip. His companion was the inexperienced Ezequiel Córdoba. Soon after leaving, their boat was caught in a sudden storm. The storm disabled their motor and radio, leaving them stranded at sea with minimal supplies.

14 Months of Survival

For months, they survived on raw fish, turtles, and rainwater. Without fresh supplies, they scavenged floating debris and drank turtle blood to stay alive. Córdoba, unable to cope with the harsh conditions, became ill after four months and passed away, leaving Alvarenga alone. Despite losing his only companion, Alvarenga pushed forward. He caught fish with his bare hands and kept his mind sharp by counting moon phases, a method to track time.

Rescue on a Remote Island

After drifting for over a year, Alvarenga spotted land. On January 30, 2014, he swam to a small island in the Marshall Islands. Locals found him weak and dehydrated but alive. His survival for 438 days became one of the most incredible feats in maritime history. Though some initially doubted his story, experts verified its plausibility.

Life After Rescue

Despite facing criticism and a lawsuit from Córdoba’s family, Alvarenga’s story of survival resonated with people across the globe. His experience was later shared in the book 438 Days: An Extraordinary True Story of Survival at Sea, inspiring countless readers with his courage and determination.

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