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A person having a peculiar habit of smelling, eating, and drinking fish-related items is quite well known. However, in Lawrence, Kansas, USA, a person named Tyler revealed his unique addiction on a television program called “My Strange Addiction: Addicted.

In the show, he discussed his strong attachment to canned tuna fish. He mentioned that he needs to smell the scent of tuna fish every day, consume at least 15 cans of tuna fish per week, and even drink the juice from the tuna cans. Additionally, he emphasized the importance of having a can of tuna nearby so he can smell it whenever he desires.

According to The New York Post, Tyler’s addiction to tuna fish has become so intense that he uses tuna fish as a form of perfume. He claims to smell the scent of tuna fish constantly throughout the day and even during the night. Tyler’s mother, Ursula, mentioned that he has always been fond of fish, and even as a child, he preferred fish over chocolates.

A video clip from the television program shared on YouTube shows Tyler sitting next to a cup of coffee with a small jar of tuna fish extract. He carefully opens the jar and deeply inhales the aroma. Then, he approaches a woman with the coffee cup, attempting to offer her the scent, but she declines. Tyler’s behavior baffles not only his friends but also the coffee shop employees.

In the TV program, Tyler states, “My addiction to smelling tuna is now called ‘Tuna Tyler’ by my friends. When people see me publicly smelling tuna, they probably think I’m just some strange guy. But to me, it’s completely normal.”

-With agency assistance

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