Christopher Scarver, known for killing notorious serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer in prison, has a story shrouded in violence, mental struggles, and intrigue. Born on July 6, 1969, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Scarver’s troubled upbringing and descent into crime eventually led to his infamous act on November 28, 1994, at Wisconsin’s Columbia Correctional Institution.
Scarver’s Early Life and First Crime
Scarver faced a tumultuous childhood, marked by substance abuse and mental health issues. After dropping out of high school, he struggled with alcoholism and began hearing voices, which he claimed guided his actions. In 1990, angered over losing his carpentry job, Scarver killed his former boss, Steven Lohman, during a robbery. This crime resulted in a life sentence.
The Murder of Jeffrey Dahmer and Jesse Anderson
In 1994, while serving his sentence, Scarver was assigned to clean a prison gymnasium with Dahmer and fellow inmate Jesse Anderson. Scarver, reportedly disgusted by Dahmer’s crimes, including cannibalism, claimed divine instruction to kill both men. Using a metal bar, he fatally attacked Dahmer and Anderson, earning two additional life sentences.
Life After the Murders
Scarver has spent years in prison, grappling with his mental health. He claims he was intentionally placed with Dahmer that day, though officials deny this. Today, Scarver channels his energy into writing poetry, art, and stories, sharing glimpses of his thoughts on his WordPress site.