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Nomcebo Zuma, daughter of South Africa’s former president Jacob Zuma, has become engaged to King Mswati III of Eswatini during the annual Umhlanga reed dance, where she was presented as the king’s liphovela (fiancée or concubine). At 21 years old, she will be the king’s 16th wife.

The 56-year-old monarch, who has ruled since 1986, is Africa’s last absolute ruler. Despite criticism of his luxurious lifestyle while many in Eswatini live in poverty, the reed dance remains a cultural highlight, showcasing traditional Swazi values with over 5,000 attendees.

Nomcebo’s engagement is not the king’s first announcement of a younger bride during this ceremony. King Mswati has dozens of children and has a history of selecting brides from the reed dance, including a 17-year-old in 2005.

Nomcebo comes from a large polygamous family. Her father, Jacob Zuma, 82, has six wives and over 20 children. He served as South Africa’s president from 2009 to 2018 before being ousted amidst corruption allegations. Zuma’s new political party recently finished third in South Africa’s elections.

This engagement brings two high-profile polygamous families together, continuing the tradition of royal marriage in Eswatini.

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