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Many men accuse women of using tears as a weapon in any fight. Well, this can be a separate issue of debate. However, what many people experience is that often when there is a fight in a couple, the woman starts crying, due to which the anger of the man goes away and to a large extent the fight becomes a whisper. So, our common saying is that men are weak in front of women’s tears.

Although there is no scientific evidence that men are weak in front of tears, tears are really a weapon that women and men themselves do not know about. And a study has shown that women’s tears reduce aggression in men.

Tears contain chemical signals.

The revelation made by the recent study is very surprising. According to a research report published on Thursday in the journal PLOS Biology, the smell of women’s tears soothes men’s anger.

During the research conducted by the researchers of the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, a chemical signal was found in human tears that slow down the activity of two parts of the brain related to aggression.

Previous studies conducted by the Weizmann Institute also showed that the tears of female mice reduce fighting between male mice. In addition, the research showed that male mice also put their own tears on their bodies to survive the attacks of other aggressive mice.

According to the researchers, the male volunteers involved in the research were given a computer game to play, which has also been used in other studies on aggression. In it, players would collect money and the player in front would try to steal their money. In this case, the player can take revenge or steal the money of the previous player.

What was found during the study was that after smelling the smell of women’s tears during this game, men’s feelings of revenge decreased by 43.7 percent. This result is consistent with the results of the study conducted in mice.

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